Sacramento: 5 Amazing Things

Sacramento: 5 Amazing Things

Sacramento: 5 Amazing Things

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    由于它靠近内华达山脉山麓的金矿, the San Joaquin Valley’s fertile soil, the American River, and San Francisco’s bustling financial center, Sacramento 1854年被授予加州首府的称号. 这个城市对政府和农业的态度一直很严肃, but in the past two decades, it’s nurtured its cosmopolitan side. Artsy murals, third-wave coffee shops, hip music lounges, 超现代的酒吧遍布萨克拉门托的绿树成荫的街道, 这座城市的文化和烹饪场所与加州的大城市不相上下.

    State Capitol

    这是一座优雅的新古典主义建筑,有着128英尺高的圆顶,是加州的 State Capitol building is an 1869 architectural stunner. On a free guided tour, 参观参议院画廊和会议厅,在欣赏这座华丽建筑的细节时,一瞥加州政府的工作方式, 比如二楼意大利马赛克上的加利福尼亚罂粟花图案, 还有在圆形大厅天花板上露出牙齿的铸铁灰熊. There’s a lot to see, 但不要错过加州州长的肖像, 包括阿诺德·施瓦辛格和罗纳德·里根, and save time to tour the grounds. Surrounding the gleaming building is Capitol Park, a grassy expanse with historic rose gardens 拥有140多个品种,精心照料 camellia gardens (萨克拉门托自称为“世界山茶花之都”), bronze statues honoring California’s veterans, 松鼠希望你的口袋里装满花生.

    Old Sacramento

    bbin游戏官网回到大约170年前,漫步其间 Old Sacramento’s wooden sidewalks. 这座城市河滨走廊的鹅卵石街道看起来就像好莱坞西部片中的场景, but these buildings are the real deal, many of them dating back to the 1849 Gold Rush. 位于前街I街大桥和塔桥之间的萨克拉门托河, 老萨克的木制维多利亚风格的房子里有各种各样的糖果店, souvenir shops, and museums. The Sacramento History Museum 展示淘金热时期的文物,并提供地下之旅和历史街区的幽灵之旅. 萨克拉门托作为横贯大陆铁路西部总部的遗产被记录在 California State Railroad Museum, 这里有19辆经过精心修复的19世纪60年代的火车头和数十节车厢, from miniature-scale versions to full-size. At the Central Pacific Railroad passenger station(4月至9月),乘坐修复的客运列车沿河骑行45分钟。.


    品尝东萨克拉门托的美食盛宴 Canon,一个绿洲的创意共享的盘子,工艺鸡尾酒,和大胆的全球口味. 从餐厅高耸的天花板到尖端的菜单,这里的一切都是高架的. Remember tater tots? Order them here, where chef Brad Cecchi 用了60多种食材来制作他的鼹鼠酱. Many dishes are rooted in Mexican cuisine, 但你也会发现东南亚和北非的影响. 当地种植的蔬菜——腌制甜椒, roasted baby carrots, 泡豆——与大马哈鱼和鸡腿一起分享晚餐的焦点. 早午餐菜单分为甜菜和咸菜,有Bánh mi Crêpes和Chicken & Potato Flautas starring on the salty side; Ricotta Pancakes on the sweet. 无论你点什么,都要加一个红薯肉桂卷(记住,你们应该分享)。.

    Ruhstaller Tap Room

    萨克拉门托大都市区拥有30多家啤酒酒吧, taprooms, and craft breweries, but in this beer-saturated city, Ruhstaller adds a sophisticated twist. To sample some of its 18 brews, 你按下门铃,走下楼梯,来到一个灯光柔和的地下酒吧, 在哪里用回收木镶板突出了古怪别致的氛围, cozy couches, and brick walls lined with historic photos. 和你的朋友一起打八球(台球桌是免费的), snack on peanuts, and sample Ruhstaller’s 1881 red ale啤酒厂的迪克森农场仅在15英里外种植啤酒花. 这家餐厅以淘金热先驱弗兰克·鲁赫斯塔勒船长的名字命名, who helped to found the Sacramento-based Buffalo Brewery Co.这是一个19世纪晚期的啤酒厂,是密西西比河以西最大的啤酒厂.

    The Sawyer by Kimpton

    Swanky, modern, and lofty, The Sawyer 是萨克拉门托最新的城市优雅的酒店,坐落在市中心 Golden1 Center and a few steps away from the Capitol Mall and K Street’s Downtown Commons (DOCO). Check in here if you’re headed to a Sacramento Kings game, 但即使你是在商务旅行中过夜, take time to swim in the rooftop pool, savor a lamb burger or rib-eye steak at Echo & Rig Steakhouse, bowl a few lanes or throw some darts at Punch Bowl Social, or dance to the DJ’s beats at Revival rooftop lounge. As with all Kimpton hotels, 索耶酒店提供了大量以客人为中心的设施, like free loaner bikes, in-room spa services, pet-friendly rooms, and an evening wine hour in the lobby. For the best city view, 订一间楼上的房间,可以俯瞰萨克拉门托河和老萨克的历史建筑.

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